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1 Ducat Gold Coin 1915 Austrian/Dutch (AU+, Restrikes)

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Gold Ask:$2,883.64

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The Ducat has one of the Very Complicated coining histories of any European gold coin. Ducats were available in gold and silver, with the earliest forms of the money issued by King Roger II of Sicily at 1140. Widespread acceptance and use of gold ducats was powered by the Dutch in the 16th century onward since the realm turned into a dominant player in global commerce.

Coin Highlights:

  • Arrives interior of protective plastic!
  • Coins issued here are restrikes of original Austrian ducats!
  • Includes .1106 Troy ounce of actual gold content.
  • Bears a face value of 1 Ducat from the Austrian Mint.
  • On the obverse is Emperor Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  • The opposite comprises the official seal of Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Hapsburg Dynasty.
  • Coins Offered in AU+ state.

All those 1 Ducat Austrian-Dutch Gold Coins available to you Here today is an official restrike of the first circulating 1 Ducat Gold Coins of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The coins have either Brilliant Uncirculated or roughly Uncirculated conditions, the latter of which suggests the presence of only small signs of wear and tear.

The Ducat has a intricate history, as stated earlier. This format Of gold coin was issued as early as the Middle Ages and embraced in a variety of designs, weights, and dimensions by innumerable empires, kingdoms, and city-states throughout the European continent. One of the most popular forms was that the Dutch Ducat, which was first issued from the Holland province in 1583 as a copy of Spiritual Ducats.

From the early 1600s, Amsterdam had become a Middle of International trade and Dutch-type Ducats were being issued to be used as global trading money. From the 1850s along with the creation of Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Austrians would embrace the Dutch Ducat as a format for gold commerce money.

On the obverse of the 1 Ducat Austrian Dutch Gold Coins, you Will come across a right-profile portrait of a young Emperor Franz Joseph I. He had been the Emperor of Austria and the longest-reigning King of Hungary during the age of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The opposite of the gold coins includes the double-headed eagle and shield from the Hapsburg Dynasty, of which Joseph I was the final judgment member.

All the 1 Ducat Austrian Dutch Gold Coins in this list Come from arbitrary decades of production. The Austrian Mint ceased routine production of Ducat Gold Coins during World War I, but restrikes like these have been struck by the mint on occasion from 1915 to the end of the 20th century.


Pure Gold Content .11060 Oz
Purity 0.986
Manufacturer Royal Dutch Mint
Issuing Country Austria Netherlands
Face Value 1 Ducat
Weight 3.11 g
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